«SEGuridad de Vehículos AUTOmóviles» (SEGVAUTO)
Duration: 01/2010 – 12/2013
Budget: 1.087.401 €
The basic aim of the Programme is to enhance motor vehicle safety by placing a special emphasis on designing systems that increase active and passive safety, as well as driving assistance and vehicle-infrastructure interaction systems. The main areas of knowledge involved are: Mechanics, Electronics, Control and Sensing Systems, Computer Sciences, Optics, Electrical Machines and Industrial Chemistry. It is hoped the programme will produce significant results for resolving Sector problems and the advancement of knowledge on a disciplinary and interdisciplinary level. These contributions are oriented towards two highly relevant problems: reducing traffic accidents and the number of victims while contributing technologies to increase competitiveness in enterprise. As regards the first problem, it should be remembered that in spite of noteworthy improvements in road safety in Spain, there are still almost 4000 fatalities every year and around 150,000 injured, many with irreversible injuries; therefore, there is a long way to go in order to achieve zero vision goal which some countries aspire to and which our country should also aspire to as well. Regarding the second problem, the automobile industry sector is the number one industrial sector in our country according to various indicators. In the Madrid Region it accounts for almost 18% of the GDP, a direct job for 77,000 people and indirectly for 308,000 and the existence of 5000 companies, many of which need to increase their competitiveness through technological development.
The scientific results achieved have been reflected in different publications and have been disseminated through numerous presentations at congresses, mainly of an international nature and of the highest level in the fields in which the contributions are registered. In summary:
- 107 articles in indexed journals, of which 35 have been shared by members of more than one research group.
- 14 books; • 178 conference presentations. Similarly, 14 doctoral theses have been developed and defended, framed along the lines of the objectives proposed in the Program.
- Patents: 14
Lastly, the cooperation between groups included in the Program in different projects, some of them large and far-reaching, is very noteworthy.