Research on traffic accidents. Analysis of the causes and consequences

Scientifics Accidents Investigation



Main Objetives and Activities

  • Movilidad segura de usuarios vulnerables (peatones, ciclistas, …) usando técnicas de realidad virtual.
  • To study traffic accidents in depth using their own methodology.
  • To determine the cause of traffic accidents and evaluate of mechanisms that provoke injuries.
  • To propose measures to reduce accidents and the number of victims through multivariable analysis based on an in-depth data base.
  • Cost-profit studies of the proposed reduction measures.


R+D+i Team

Francisco Javier Páez. Head of Unit
Javier Páez is PhD Mechanical Engineer and an Associate Professor of the Technical University of Madrid in Spain. He is the Deputy Director of Quality, Training and Dissemination

Javier Páez is PhD Mechanical Engineer and an Associate Professor of the Technical University of Madrid in Spain. He is the Deputy Director of Quality, Training and Dissemination Acceso al perfil investigador

Ángel Losada Arias. Researcher of Unit de la Unidad
Engineer in Industrial Technologies, specialised in Mechanical Engineering by the UPM and Politecnico di Milano. He currently holds a PhD in Mechanical Engineering at the UPM while working as a researcher at the INSIA-UPM in intelligent driving, Virtual Reality and dynamic simulation.
