UPM Rewards Research in their areas of Knowledge

Oct 25, 2017UPM R+D+i0 Comentarios

UPM Research Awards
 Following its supporting actions to the research activity, the Technical University of Madrid calls, for the tenth consecutive year, the UPM  Research Awards
The «UPM RESEARCH AWARDS » are established as an incentive and recognition to research activity carried out within the Technical University of Madrid or external activity that benefits UPM. These awards are annual, and the call establishes four different types of awards:

  • UPM Research Award to the UPM professor or researcher in active who has excelled most in his career for his research in any area of knowledge of the University.
  • Projection UPM Researcher Award to the UPM professor or researcher, under 35 years at the time of publication of the call, who has excelled most in his career for his research labor in any area of knowledge of the University.
  •  UPM Award Collaborative Research to the company or public or private entity that has excelled most in supporting collaborative R+D+I with the UPM.
  •  UPM Award for International Cooperation in Research for Development to a non Spanish researcher or entity that have excelled in supporting cooperative R+D+I with the UPM.

Candidates must be proposed for at least three UPM professors in the time and manner set out in the annual call.
The deadline for nominations has been enlarged till November 6th, 2017 for the UPM Research Award UPM and the Award for International Cooperation in Research for Development.
Prizes will be awarded by an independent jury, composed by six members from outside the UPM.
The call announcement, are available at the following address:

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