New Website – INSIA, University Institute of Automobile Research

Mar 24, 2015Uncategorized0 Comentarios

[title size=»1″ content_align=»left» style_type=»single» sep_color=»» class=»» id=»»]UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF AUTOMOBILE RESEARCH (INSIA)[/title][imageframe lightbox=»no» style_type=»none» bordercolor=»» bordersize=»0px» borderradius=»0″ stylecolor=»» align=»none» link=»» linktarget=»_self» animation_type=»0″ animation_direction=»down» animation_speed=»0.1″ class=»» id=»»] [/imageframe][fusion_text]

INSIA launches its new website with a completely updated appearance, more pictures and less long texts. There are link icons to access social media in which INSIA is active (twitter, linkedin, blogger, youtube…). There is also a news section where you can follow the main news and events in which INSIA is involved. Through the blog, you can subscribe to news and events of the Institute.

New features:

  • New section Meet Our Team, with social media links.
  • New section Testimonials, where people who know our Institute give their opinions about INSIA.
  • Three new contact forms: A general one, a new one for historic vehicles and another for the Reforms Area with a new FAQ section.
  • The Contact section is now integrated with Google Maps.

The University Institute of Automobile Research (INSIA) which is a centre belonging to the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, is part of the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales (ETSII). The building is located in the technology park of the UPM.
The INSIA is a reference point for the automotive industry and the transport sector and has over 25 years of experience at national and international levels.
The main activities of the centre are focused on Research and Development in the field of motor vehicles, safety and environmental impact for national and international projects. The centre also offers technological support for companies and public bodies. INSIA provides technological services oriented to R+D, advising, testing, and certification. The centre also runs many programmes at Phd master level.

[/fusion_text][title size=»3″ content_align=»left» style_type=»single» sep_color=»» class=»» id=»»]Research Areas[/title][fusion_text] [/fusion_text]

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